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Revitalising Europe's Single Market: Enrico Letta's blueprint for a long-term economic prosperity

Press Releases 18 Apr 2024

APPLiA, the European Association representing the home appliance industry, applauds Enrico Letta's comprehensive report on the Single Market.

"We congratulate Mr. Letta for his insightful analysis of the Single Market's challenges and opportunities," says Paolo Falcioni, Director General of APPLiA. "His emphasis on 'maximum harmonisation' in European legislation and favouring Regulations over Directives resonates strongly with our industry."

APPLiA particularly welcomes Mr. Letta's call on Member States to minimise deviations from European legislation. Streamlined regulations ensure a level playing field for businesses and avoid unnecessary burdens for consumers.

"A strong Single Market is essential for a thriving European economy, especially in these challenging geopolitical times," Mr. Falcioni continues. "We are also encouraged by Mr. Letta's recognition of the fundamental role the Circular Economy will play in the future. APPLiA actively supports initiatives like the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation and its product-specific criteria, which promotes longer product lifespans and resource efficiency."

“We strongly believe Mr. Letta's report can serve as the foundation for a prompt re-energising of the European Single Market," concludes Mr. Falcioni. " APPLiA stands ready to work with policymakers to ensure a future-proof Single Market that benefits businesses, consumers, and the environment."

- Paolo Falcioni, Director General, APPLiA.


About APPLiA

APPLiA, the European association representing the home appliance industry, brings together 26 Direct Members and 25 National Associations from across Europe. Collectively, our members employ over one million people and account for a contribution to European GDP of €77 billion annually.

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