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For each product group that is covered by the EPREL database, APPLiA company experts have made a detailed analysis of the specific requirements in the delegated act of the respective products (according to the Annex on “Technical Documentation” as well as the Annexes for measurement and/or calculation). From this, the information that would be required to fulfil the above-mentioned legal obligations was deduced.

The templates are also publicly available on the APPLiA website. They can be used by APPLiA member companies and any other supplier. They were also shared for information with the European Commission. From a practical standpoint, the templates have been developed in Excel format. Once filled out, they could be converted as PDF and then uploaded into EPREL.

APPLiA’s initiative reflects a shared understanding, which aims to enhance uniformity in the application of the requirements to the benefit of all relevant parties.

These templates are obviously non-exclusive and not binding to any supplier. They are meant to illustrate a way to upload the compliance information, offering suppliers a template and guidance on the content they have to upload. For avoidance of doubt, APPLiA reminds that it remains the individual responsibility of all relevant parties to ensure compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements. The templates are aimed at facilitating members’ compliance but APPLiA does not take any responsibility on potential individual non-compliant matters. Each supplier would still be free to add any voluntary information as stated in the last paragraph of Article 12.5. Similarly, market surveillance authorities could request any additional information from suppliers, as deemed relevant. The long-term objective of this task would be to work towards a parametrised data transfer into the EPREL compliance part. We believe those templates could be used as a starting point.

Further information about the conception and own practical use of each individual template can be found in each Excel sheet in the section “explanatory notes”.

EPREL Compliance Templates

These are APPLiA’s proposals for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household washing machines under Regulation (EU) 2019/2014 and under Omnibus Regulation (EU) 2021/340.

To the templates:

These are APPLiA’s proposals for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household washer dryers under Regulation (EU) 2019/2014 and under Omnibus Regulation (EU) 2021/340.

To the templates:

This document is APPLiA’s respective proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household Tumble Dryers under EU Regulation 392/2012.

Download the document

Compliance template for professional refrigerated storage cabinets created by The European Federation of Catering Equipment Manufacturers (EFCEM).

This document is APPLiA’s respective proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household ovens under EU Regulation 65/2014.

Download the document

This document is APPLiA’s proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for light sources under EU Regulation 2019/2015 and the Omnibus Regulation (EU) 2021/340 partially amending it. Download the document

This document is APPLiA’s proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household IWH under EU Regulation 812/2013.

Download the document

This document is APPLiA’s proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household hoods under EU Regulation 65/2014.

Download the document

This document is APPLiA’s proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household HPWH under EU Regulation 812/2013.

Download the document

This document is APPLiA’s proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household Fixed AC under EU Regulation 626/2011.

Download the document

This document is APPLiA’s proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household ESWH under EU Regulation 812/2013.

Download the document

These are APPLiA’s proposals for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household dishwashers under Regulation (EU) 2019/2017 and under Omnibus Regulation (EU) 2021/340.

To the templates:

These are APPLiA’s proposals for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household refrigerating appliances under Regulation (EU) 2019/2016 and under Omnibus Regulation (EU) 2021/340.

To the templates:

This document is APPLiA’s proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household AC Double Duct under EU Regulation 626/2011.

Download the document

This document is APPLiA’s proposal for the upload of technical documentation into EPREL for household AC Single Duct under EU Regulation 626/2011. 

Download the document

The Energy Labelling framework Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 stipulates that suppliers have to register products that bear an EU Energy Label in an EU Product Registry.

The European Commission services have named this product registry "EPREL” for European Product Registry for Energy Labelling. For further details see the dedicated webpage.

Whereas the content details of the public part of EPREL are clearly defined in the so-called EPREL exchange model, the technical documentation (for the compliance part) is only generically described in the Energy Labelling framework Regulation (EU) 2017/1369. Yet, it is evident that the details of the technical documentation depend very much on the product group, and thus need the consideration of the product specific delegated acts.

Whereas the content details of the public part of EPREL are clearly defined in the so-called EPREL exchange model, the technical documentation (i.e., compliance part) is only generically described in Regulation (EU) 2017/1369. Yet, it is evident that the details of the technical documentation vary according to the product group, and thus need the consideration of the product specific delegated acts. 

The above mentioned EPREL exchange model only accepts PDF files that have to cover Article 12.5 (a) to (f) but does not make any statement on the content of these files.

APPLiA has therefore decided to analyse the product specific Energy Labelling delegated acts and to support APPLiA’s direct members as well as its national associations and their own members by proposing a template that meets in the eyes of the respective working groups the legal requirements for technical documentation according to Article 12.5 and that can be used for uploading the compliance data into EPREL.

Currently, the EPREL exchange model only allows for the upload of technical documentation in the form of a PDF file.

The templates are in the form of an Excel sheet to allow directly inserting the respective values. It could then be transformed into a PDF file by means of well-known software tools. The resulting PDF file would contain – if filled out correctly – the technical information as required in Article 12(a) to (f) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369. It could be then uploaded into EPREL.

This can be done:

- through the graphical web interface to EPREL

- by inserting it as annex to an XML file, joining both in a ZIP file and uploading that ZIP file manually

- by uploading the ZIP file by means of a system-to-system/e-Delivery interface.

In all these cases, reference to Article 12.5 has to be made (e.g., in the web interface by checking the boxes for mandatory upload for Article 12(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f)).

The column B in the respective template gives the reference to the relevant paragraph.

In its discussions with the Commission services, APPLiA has always proposed that the long-term objective was to work towards a parametrised data transfer of the compliance part information into EPREL, taking the example from the public part where this is implemented. This would mean that only values are transmitted whereas units and further description would not be necessary anymore. Such transfer would reduce upload traffic and it could ensure language neutrality from the supplier’s side.

To prepare for this, this Excel template contains already so-called Key Field Names or identifiers (column C). When in future parametrised data transfer value by value in xml would be possible, these fields could serve as identifiers for the respective value. 
Key Field Names are not necessary for the current PDF files, but still helpful. For instance, Key Field Names ensure that the templates are not dependent on an order, in case a supplier chooses to use a template but for technical reasons not in the same order. A value can always be identified by its Key Field Name.

Articles 4 and 12 as well as Annex I of the Energy Labelling framework Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 create obligations for suppliers to provide some information into the compliance part of the product database for the models they place on the market.

APPLiA members have been developing so-called “compliance templates” to help suppliers fulfil those requirements. 

For each product group that is covered by the EPREL database, APPLiA company experts have made a detailed analysis of the specific requirements in the delegated act of the respective products (according to the Annex on “Technical Documentation” as well as the Annexes for measurement and/or calculation). From this, the information that would be required to fulfil the above-mentioned legal obligations was deduced.

The templates are also publicly available on the APPLiA website. They can be used by APPLiA member companies and any other supplier. They were also shared for information with the European Commission. 

From a practical standpoint, the templates have been developed in Excel format. Once filled out, they could be converted as PDF and then uploaded into EPREL. 

APPLiA’s initiative reflects a shared understanding, which aims to enhance uniformity in the application of the requirements to the benefit of all relevant parties.  

These templates are obviously non-exclusive and not binding to any supplier. They are meant to illustrate a way to upload the compliance information, offering suppliers a template and guidance on the content they have to upload. 

For avoidance of doubt, APPLiA reminds that it remains the individual responsibility of all relevant parties to ensure compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements. The templates are aimed at facilitating members’ compliance but APPLiA does not take any responsibility on potential individual non-compliant matters.

Each supplier would still be free to add any voluntary information as stated in the last paragraph of Article 12.5. Similarly, market surveillance authorities could request any additional information from suppliers, as deemed relevant.

The long-term objective of this task would be to work towards a parametrised data transfer into the EPREL compliance part. We believe those templates could be used as a starting point. 

Further information about the conception and own practical use of each individual template can be found in each Excel sheet in the section “explanatory notes”.

Download the APPLiA Statement.

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